Sunday, December 12, 2010

As I was writing a statement of purpose to send to Oxford University for M.St in Social and Economical History Program. Well, tbh, not many words came out. I was frustrated and this is the result.

Alternative Statement of Purpose.

Sad old fucker in the making. Bangkok, Thailand.

I thought I had what it takes to be somebody, to do it, to survive all this. I forgot to look around me, forgot to look inside, forgot the world we live in, the people on it.

I live in my head. I’ve lived in it ever since. It’s perfect in here. I could be something. In my head, there’s a different world, there’s different kind of people. This is where I belong. I sleepwalk through it, with a smile on my face. My hands grab my dreams so tight. The world shines so bright, it’s always sunny in here. The universe is calling me, me, my name, I’m the only one that matters. Time flies, or in fact, time doesn’t matter at all. I’m the present, I’m the past, and I’m the future -- I’m the king.

If I can’t be somebody, I intend to be nothing at all. I’d be here. You’d be here too. I’ll be all that I dreaded I would be when I was kid. A sad old fucker with a hint of the remorse past, a sign of an unrealized dream, sitting there at the office table, one finger up the ass, another at the keyboard, asking myself, will the next life be better? Pathetic fucker, with a kid or two maybe, and a simpleton for husband, some plans in my pockets that got ignored, some dishing from the boss, just have had the latest argument with friends, family, whatever, who will get the kids to school? How do we suppose to pay this? Shit like that and I’ll be lost forever in all those daily annoyances. Forget the world, forget the nebula that we could see from the observatory. Forget the creator vs evolution debate. Forget the newest technology that could take us to Saturn. Forget the mini big bang, the large Haldron Collider. Forget the space station, forget the robot, forget the awesome future that gonna come because I’m a sad little fucker, in a sad little house, with a sad little job, in a sad little town. In short, forget that I - I even exist. I, a fool who can not measure the distance between her and the bright spot in the sky. A little girl, lost in the noisy crowd, unable to be heard or seen. No wonder I’ll become deaf and blind.

100 years from now no one would even remember this pathetic fucker ever existed. I know because I won’t. I wont be the first. I’m among the majority here. We live in a shitload abyss, full of other sad fuckers who couldn’t make it, simpletons, losers, nobodies, scum. Very few got out, not me. The climb is too much a stake. A sad fucker couldn’t manage that. But then again, there are so many of us here, no one looks bothered. Some of us are content. At least, the motherfuckers don’t feel the pain. But I do.

Those dreams the ones that you see today, I’ll push them back in my head. They’ll forever be safe there. And I’ll take them to the grave with me.

But I’ll live till old age all right. Not gonna put a bullet in my head. Why the rush, the end is coming anyway. I’ll be a little observant. The fly on the wall, have a peak at the world turning.

I really thought I had what it takes, yes, I did. I was one big delusional motherfucker. Some fuckers slap the consciousness into my bones, the harsh reality into my head. And that’s why I’m writing to you now. Let’s hope those fuckers are not you. Let’s hope they are not at Oxford.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Humphrey Bogart Video

Humphrey Bogart Biography - the Untold Story
circa 1997 Hosted by Stephen Humphrey Bogart

Stephen Bogart, the son of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, narrates Bogart: The Untold Story, a 1996 documentary that tells the story of his father's life. Stephen was just eight years old when Humphrey Bogart died in 1957. And since he was so young, Stephen has only vague memories of him. As Stephen explains, his father was a distant figure and his only physical memories of him are on screen. Bogart: The Untold Storyis an attempt by Stephen to get to know the man behind the star, to learn who his father really was and to answer those questions every child has about their parents.

The documentary gives a thorough account of Bogie's life

Producer: Chris Hunt
Director: Chris Hunt
Film Editing: Andrew Findlay
Cast: Stephen Bogart (host), Lauren Bacall.
BW&C-46m. Closed captioning.

Download link:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gesänge der Frühe Op.133

Robert Schumann's Gesänge der Frühe Op.133 - Maurizio Pollini

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kabalevsky, who!?

How have I forgotten Kabalevsky's Violin Concerto?
This is one of the finest of violin repertoire...ummm... a bit exaggerated though.

Might be because I've seen it live today, performed by an award-winning violin soloist Liliya Nigamedzyanova from Russia and Russian Symphony Orchestra. The second movement was beautiful.I have a record
of Mea's playing.
By the way, the performances also included 'Beethoven's Symphony no.7' & Fantasy Overture from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Romeo & Juliet.

Se quel guerrier io fossi!...Celeste Aida!

Aida, four-act opera
I saw 'Aida' live yesterday. It was a part of the 10th International Festival of Music and Dance in Bangkok.
It was wonderful and majestic.Though I kept thinking the music was too pushy for my ears,especially when everyone was expecting the celebrated 'triumph march' of Radames and the conductor just delivered it a little bit too enthusiastically.
The end was so tragic, but that is pretty predictable of Verdi's operas. Most of them are melodrama. My favorite is 'Il Trovatore' but I have never seen it live

It was performed by the Cairo Opera House. Playing Radames is Oleg Kulko one of the principal singers of Bolshoi Theatre. He has sung Radames at the Metropolitan Opera New York and at La Scala, Milan to critical acclaim. Taking on Aida is the famous soprano Yulia Simonova, (a leading soloist of The Bolshoi Theatre) while Olesya Petrova will play Amenris. Olesya is the winner of the Tchaikovsky Gold Medal (2007), one of the most important awards recognising the most talented singers.

Modern Schumann...

My new photoshop after an hour effort ;)
Courtesy of for graphic textures.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Schumann for readers!

Collected Books on Schumann: Schumann's Biographies:

Robert Schumann: Herald of a "New Poetic Age"
John Daverio *****

-- There is a new speculation for me here, in the book, that Schumann was bisexual.
I should think this might be another characteristic of his Arch-Romantic personality
as it was most of his contemporary's : i.e. 'idealistic love'.
To describe this, I'd better borrow Cole Porter's saying in De-Lovely
(played by Kevin Kline, 2004)
" This is how it was. This is how l was. l wanted every kind of love that was available. I could never find them in the same person....or the same sex."--

Schumann's Fantasie, Op. 17 (Cambridge Music Handbooks)
Nicholas Marston ***
Schumann's Historical Novel:

Longing J.D. Landis *****

Landis's spectacular novel: I gave this book 4 stars. Most importantly because the author portrays
Schumann EXACTLY as I imagine him to be, you know -- a genius freak, kind and passionate, mad and tormented. Though, the death scene is unsatisfying.
Let's see if this version of Schumann is also on your mind;)

Clara: A Novel
Janice Galloway

** Not as good as I expected. The author's narrating style is too irritating for my taste.

Schumanns Schatten (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Peter Härtling


Michel Schneider


Liszt's Love letter

A love letter by Franz Liszt to Countess Marie d'Agoult, December 1834

Franz Liszt 1811-1886

Marie d'Agoult 1805-1876


Marie! Marie!

Oh let me repeat that name a hundred times, a thousand times over; for three days now it has lived within me, oppressed me, set me afire.

I am not writing to you, no, I am close beside you.

I see you, I hear you… Eternity in your arms…Heaven, hell, all is within you and even more than all… Oh! Leave me free to rave in my delirium. Mean, cautious, narrow reality is no longer enough for me. We must live out lives to the full, our loves, our sorrow…! Oh! you believe me capable of self-sacrifice, chastity, temperance and piety, do you not?

But let no more be said of this… it is for you to question, to draw conclusions, to save me as you see fit.

Let me be mad, senseless since you can do nothing, nothing at all for me.

It is good for me to speak to you now.

This is to be! To be!!!

Movie, Book's Quotations

Match point 2005

An Old woman (His neighbour) : You've killed her, what about your child? You’ve killed your own child
(Referring to his mistress whom he killed because she was pregnant with his child)
Chris: “What was that that Sophocles once said?
"‘To never have been born is, perhaps, the greatest gift of all'…”

George Orwell's
Nineteen Eighty Four

"The past was dead, the future was unimaginable."
Part 1, Chapter 2, pg. 28

"For the first time he perceived that if you want to keep a secret you must
also hide it from yourself." Part 3, Chapter 4, pg. 283

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is
inside the skull."
Part 3, Chapter 3, pg. 268

"Sanity is not statistical." Book 1, Chapter 9

"If all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth"
Until they become conscious they will never rebel,
and until after they have rebelled they can not become conscious."

"Power is not a means; it is an end"


One of my favorite anecdotes:

After dinner Lady Astor presided over the pouring of coffee.
When Winston Churchill came by, she glared and said.
"Winston, if I were your wife, I’d put poison in your coffee."
"Nancy," Churchill replied solemnly to the acid-tongued woman,
"if I were your husband, I’d drink it" (!!!!)

Churchill's Quote

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"

so you must forgive me here if I wander too much from Schumann ; )
I can't help writing on other things.


PS. I rather hope next week I could post my collections of Schumann's Piano Concerto, Op.54
-- for downloading ;)

O, Politic!

A definition game:

Politics (n.): Lying conspiracy
Polictize (vt.): Nationalized lie
Politician (n.): Liars
Political Crime (n.): Ready to commit one to the above mention.


David Hume on Morality and Human nature

Hume's Moral Philosophy :

Hume's position in ethics, which is based on his empiricist theory of the mind, is best known for asserting four theses:

1) Reason alone cannot be a motive to the will, but rather is the “slave of the passions”
2) Morals are not derived from reason
3) Morals are derived from the moral sentiments: feelings of approval (esteem, praise) and disapproval (blame) felt by spectators who contemplate a character trait or action
4) While some virtues and vices are natural, others, including justice, are artificial.

"Reason is and ought to be the slave of the passions"

An expert, John Passmore of the National Australian University discusses causality as the cornerstone of Hume's philosophy.
Also discussed are three of Hume's basic philosophicalviews

I recommend a book, 'Hume' by Noonan for details.